Help for dynamic Drop down in Excel



My excell sheet consists of multilpe companies that have multiple job
sites, in multiple divisions.

What I want to do, in a single cell select the company I wish, In
another single cell have a dropdown that lists divisions that would
cordinate with that company in the first dropdown, in the third drop
down I want to select the jobsites that pertain to the specific company
in the sepcific divsion from the previous dropdowns.

I have three columns, company, site, and division. I have created
dropdowns but they are not dynamic and do not fit my needs.

I do not want to see all the colums on the dropdown page, so if the
data colums are on sheet1 then the dropdowns need to be on sheet2.

Can anyone help me with this. I tried the data validation however I can
click on any cell and get a dropdown, that is not what I need. I need
three dropdowns (company, division, and jobsite)

Thank you.


Yes, I saw this example, but when you implement it, it does not give
dynamic drop downs in a cingle cell, where ever you click on the sheet
it gives a drop down, I am looking for three single sell dropdowns that
are dynamic.


J.E. McGimpsey

Then you misread the example - it gives it gives instructions for
creating single-cell validation dropdowns. In the example you can
create many copies or create the same dropdown in each cell of a
range, but each cell has its own individual validation dropdown.

Otto Moehrbach

I believe you want one drop-down for the companies. Then you want the
second drop-down to display a list that is peculiar to the company selected
in the first drop-down. This is a dynamic drop-down and you can do that
with Data Validation alone and you don't need a macro.
However, I believe that you then want a third drop-down that displays a
list that is dependent on one or both of the other drop-down selections.
For this you need a macro. The operation of the macro is automatic and
totally transparent to the user. If you wish you can send me a small file
that contains all the possible lists and their relationships and I'll setup
the 3 Data Validation cells and write the necessary code for you. Remove
"cobia97" from my email address. Please do not attach a file to a newsgroup
posting. HTH Otto


Thank you,

I would love to just send you a very small portion of what I am looking
for in excel so I don't over burden you, however, I do not see your
email. Can you provide me with one?

Thank you,

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