Try making sure you have cleaned up your hard drive (delete all IE TIF files, Temp files and your recycle bin, etc) before
Does the error occur also occur if you open your local (PC) site in FP and publish (Remote to Local)
- does it occur on a specific file?
| There appears to be some confusion. The hard drive I am downloading the web site to has 1.79 GB
| free. It is not filling up. The C: drive on my machine has 18.69 GB free and is not filling up.
| The error message is being issued by FrontPage and I suspect it is a bug in its memory handling
| code. It seems to be trying to allocate 0 bytes of memory.
| Just in case I downloaded FPCleaner and ran it and the problem still occurs.
| >Download FP Cleaner from and run the "Clear
| >FrontPAge Web Cache Files" routine. This will delete any corrupt cache
| >files, which normally cause the error.
| >At the same time, also use the "Clear FrontPage Temporary Files" button.
| >These steps should be followed regularly.