help help help web page size gone diffy!!



please help me i was adding some pics to my hubbys site and some how made
boo, the page now has to be scrolled accross rather than fit to size how do i
get it back no comp confident so basic ways please he will flip, the other
pages r ok just the home page, thankyou s

Tom [Pepper] Willett

Post the URL. No mindreading, here.
Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
: please help me i was adding some pics to my hubbys site and some how made
: boo, the page now has to be scrolled accross rather than fit to size how
do i
: get it back no comp confident so basic ways please he will flip, the other
: pages r ok just the home page, thankyou s


Post the URL.  No mindreading, here.
Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

: please help me i was adding some pics to my hubbys site and some how made
: boo, the page now has to be scrolled accross rather than fit to size how
do i
: get it back no comp confident so basic ways please he will flip, the other
: pages r ok just the home page, thankyou s

yep - URL please - or reverse what you did, and put it back to as-it-
and ~ backup backup backup, always good to have a backup copy of
things prior
to making changes, then a boo-boo can be easily recovered.

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