HELP!! Help needed for newbie please



Hi all I would really appreciate it if you'd be able to help me complete a
function in Excel. I'm a bit of a novice and self taught with everything
I've done from reading bits and bobs on the web but I have no idea how to do
this next bit.

Basically I'm putting together a worksheet listing all audits that will be
undertaken in the next 12 months in my company for people to fill in. I have
created some dropdown boxes by listing them all in one worksheet, naming them
and then creating them on the master worksheet by validating the data so as
it stands I have the following:
Audit type :: Audit location :: Date completed :: Score

And each of these have a drop down menu from which the person can choose.
This is the hard bit : What I want to have is a button at the top where the
management bods can click on and it will take them to a kind of "front page"
where they can see the average score for the audits and filter them by type,
location or date completed so for example they could select a location and it
would give a average score based on what's been input at that time with the
chosen location. Also they could select a given audit type AND date which
would then give them the average score for that serach criteria if you get
what I mean.

So each time someone adds a new audit it then automatically updates
eevrything else so that I could for example go into it in 6 month's time,
click on the front page button and go "right I need to know what the average
score was for audit type x", select it from the drop down and get the score
as if by magic. I could then go, "right I now need to know the average score
for audit type y at location 1" and again pick both from the drop downs on
the front page and get the average score.

Does that make sense to anyone!!?


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