HELP - hidden CC field??????? Magically they appeared!



Hello -
The other day - one of my users stated that she sent a 500+ recipient BCC
email from her Outlook 2003 email.

It looked at first from her sent items that it was a BCC email. There was
justa FROM no TO or CC listings - howevere there was no BCC field.

When I double clicked on the message and bought it up in its own window. I
did not see any reciepients.

HOWVERE - when i moved the nmouse over to the area next to CC where names
would be if they were there - MAGICALLY they appeared - popped into the filed
with a vertical scroll bar to see all the names,

Has anyone EVER seen this behavior before?

I am pretty sure she did CC the people - sience the names suddenly appeared
in the CC filed - but she swears she BCC'd..........

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