Help! hit reply and when I type I get extra spaces!



Hello, hope someone can help me please?

When I reply to or forward an email in outlook and try to enter new text it
adds an extra space before and after the character I type for example if I
wanted to add a character in the word 'super' it would come appear like this:

sup p er

Where I have simply tried to add a 'p' to read 'supper'

It is very annoying - any ideas?

Thanks! It can't be the font as I have it set up to use the same font when
writing new emails and this problem doesn't occur.


Hello - yes i am typing in the original message - it is not this as it is
already disabled - any other ideas?


Twothai said:
Hello - yes i am typing in the original message - it is not this as it is
already disabled - any other ideas?

Roady said:
You are typing in the original message then?
Verify you have the option "Mark my comments with" disabled.

Tools-> Options-> E-mail Options...

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003
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