Help- How do I change default hours per day



I want to change the default hours a team works in MS Project 2003
Professional. For example, the default time is 8:00am to 12:00pm and then
1:00pm to 5:00pm. I need to change this to reflect a 4 hour work days of
7:00am to 11:00am. I know I can change it by selecting every day and making
them "non-default working times" but I need to make a claendar or template
that can be used by all with this as a standard. There has got to be a way...


Rod Gill

4 hours sounds like the team is just working half their day on your project?
If so, the simplest solution is to go to the Resource Sheet and set the
teams' Max Units to 50%. Then only assign them at 50% which will only ever
see them doing a maximum of 4 hours work a day.


Rod - Thanks. However. there has got be a way to change the global template
to reflect default times other than 8:00am to 12:00pm and 1:00pm to 5:00pm.

Rod Gill

Yes, create a new Base Calendar and assign it in the Resource Sheet as the
Base Calendar for the relevant Resources. The Max units is simpler and
usually more realistic though.

Steve House

There's two things here - the default calendar and the default working
times. In the Change Working Time calendar tool, clicking the "use default
times" radio button will ALWAYS give you 8-12 and 1-5. These hours are hard
coded and there's nothing you can do about it. BUT, if you edit the
Standard calendar to show you actually work non-default hours different from
those, then use the Organizer to copy your modified calendar in the Global
template, when you start new projects your default working time calendar
will show your customized non-default working hours to be the hours in

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