help how do I change the default merge behavior in Word


Andy Svendsen

I have a merge file with _'s in it, but the field delimiter is |.
However, when I open Word, it insists on using an underscore as the
delimiter which messes up the merge. This only happens one machine, and I'm
sure it has something to do with the ODBC, can anyone help tell me what to
do? Thanks.

Andy S.
MCSE NT/2000, MCDBA SQL 7/2000
(e-mail address removed)

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Peter Jamieson

You could try naming the file as .dat.

If the one machine is using ODBC, the chances are you won't be able to stop
it using ODBC wthout removing any Text driver DSNs, and even that may not be
enough to fix this. You could probably make the ODBC text driver work by
configuring the DSN so that this particular file has | set up as its field
delimiter (in essence, the ODBC text driver configuration dialog needs to
create an entry for your data source file in a SCHEMA.INI file in the same
folder as your data source file). If the one machine is the one that is
/not/ using ODBC, perhaps installing ODBC on that machine would do the

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