Help, how do I merge...


Catherine C

I've posted before but I think I need to be more explicit. I have a book
database. It includes a book table which lists all the titles, an author
table with all the authors and then a join table which has a bookauthorID
(the key), BookID (relates to book table), and AuthorID (relates to author
table). When I try to run a report from the query, it shows some titles
twice since they have different authors (both authors wrote the book). Is
there a way to join the authors so they both display once with the title?
(Also, the concatenate function is not working). Thank you

Duane Hookom

Answered in your previous thread which was a fresh as last night. Please be
patient and wait for responses in existing threads. There should be no
reason to start a new thread with the same question with the same 24 hour

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