Help: How to display attached images in an email when one veiws or publishes a notebook


Pistol Pete


I am using endnote 2007 with all updates installed.

I have collected a series of emails that came with pictures attached.
Inside onenote, if I click on the attached icon the picture displays (good).

1. How can I have the pictures display automatically without clicking on the
attachment icon? I would rather see each picture and not the icon for the
picture viewer.

2. I thought by publishing to pdf or xps that MS would have been smart
enough to embed the images, but this is not the case either (bad). The
published files have lost the images. I think if I can get the pictures to
display in the endnote document when I publish, I suspect that the images
should be there.

3. Lastly, if I print I also want the attached images to print as well.

Thanks in advance,


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