Help! I can no longer use =Date() as the Default Value on my Forms



It used to work but now doesn't. I am getting an Error Message "The funtion
you entered can't be used in this expression. *You may have used a DoEvents,
LBound, UBound, Spc, or Tab funtion in an expression. *You may have used an
SQL aggregate funtion, such as Count, in a design grid or in a calculated
control or field.

Ofer Cohen

You get this error with build in function when you have a missing referece.
Open the code editor (Ctrl+g), from the menu ber select Tools > Reference.

Next to the objects that are ticked, check if there is a missing one, if
that the case, check if you need it, and if you don't remove it selection


Ok. I was in there but what am I looking for? Looked to me like everything
pertaing to Access was checked.....


Never mind my last Post. I figured it out. That was exactly what I
needed. Thank You so ver much for your help.....

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