I want to creat an Access Data base that would start with my parent(s) page
with their page having a drop down list of their children (me and 6 others)
linking to an individual child page of our info, further linking to pages for
our spouse, children and so on for a couple of generations. Each individuals
pages would have fields for name, spouse, addresses (home, company name/work,
vacation home) phone numbers (home, work, fax, cell, other) Date of birth
(with current age calculation automatically inserted) Date of Death, date of
marriage, e-mail addresses, etc. Reports would be an address book,
alphabetical lookup by first or last names, selected mailing labels, etc. It
would be neat to have the cover page have areas (button) for Mom/Dad photo,
each child, by clicking the photo you go to that persons main info page with
spouse and child links from drop down lists.....
with their page having a drop down list of their children (me and 6 others)
linking to an individual child page of our info, further linking to pages for
our spouse, children and so on for a couple of generations. Each individuals
pages would have fields for name, spouse, addresses (home, company name/work,
vacation home) phone numbers (home, work, fax, cell, other) Date of birth
(with current age calculation automatically inserted) Date of Death, date of
marriage, e-mail addresses, etc. Reports would be an address book,
alphabetical lookup by first or last names, selected mailing labels, etc. It
would be neat to have the cover page have areas (button) for Mom/Dad photo,
each child, by clicking the photo you go to that persons main info page with
spouse and child links from drop down lists.....