I was doing some cleanup in my files and must have moved a critical file
Entourage looks for. thus when i restarted my machine, Entourage had no
emails, contact, etc and started taking me through a set up wizard. Any idea?
Entourage expects the Microsoft User Data folder to be in your Documents
folder. For OS X users, that's the Documents folder in your User's folder.
When Entourage opens in a new blank Identity, it's usually User error. Open
your Identities folder and check the size. A blank Entourage 2008 Identity
is approx 22.6 MB.
To find your old database, search for "Microsoft User Data" (without the
quotes). It could be one of the subfolders that was moved. You could check
for "Office 2008 Identities" folder. Hopefully, you have not deleted the
file. If you have deleted the trash, it's gone. Sorry!
If you have not used a new identity in Entourage, then copy the entire
Microsoft User Data folder to the correct location.
Fix if you have more than one Microsoft User Data Folder...(Note since this
is Exchange it should just sync back up and you won't need to merge. Control
click and refresh the folder list.)
Move the entire identity folder you want to use to the Office Identities
folder that Entourage is recognizing. Your identity is named "Main" by
default. Be sure to rename one so you do not overwrite. Your identity folder
can contain more than one identity. Switch Identities to view your old mail.
If you have not used the new identity, delete it. If you have used it and
want to combine the new mail with your original database, drag each folder
to the desktop from one identity. This creates an MBOX file. Switch
identities. Drag the MBOX files into the folder window of Entourage.
You can delete the old folder after you are satisfied with the transfer.
Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
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