help I dont kow where to start



Basically what I am looking at has 3 worksheets. 2 worksheets are
summary pages for 2 teams. The third is a raw data page called
"CREATED". The problem I am having is that everytime someone quits or
is hired I have to change every formula on the summary pages because
currently I am using
=IF(Created!B10=0, "", Created!B10)
to pull the results from the "reated" page onto the team summary page.
What I would like to do is have it check the first colum and see what
team it refers to and if b10 refers to TeamA then I want the result to
be C10 which is the team members name.

Let me know if I need to clarify


I think you need to be a little more concise with your
details. Changing every formula on the summary page can be
done with a simple macro. Try posting a sample of where
and how you want things done.

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