Help -- I need to access my OneNote files



Hi -- I've been using the trial version of OneNote for awhile and I love it.
Now however, I'm in a jam. I've been having trouble with my computer for
awhile, and to make a long story short had to back everything up and
reinstall my operating system. Of course I lost my trial version of OneNote.
Now for some reason when I try to access the "download OneNote" trial site
in I get a "server not responding" error. I'm a bit desperate.
My history class notes are in my OneNote files and I have a midterm coming
up -- the nearest store to purchase the academic version of OneNote is an
hour away and I can't make it there for at least a couple of days. Does
anyone know if there's a way to open .one files using a word processor? Or
perhaps how long the download page will be out of comission?

Any help you can give me would be great.



Erik Sojka

I took a quick look at the site, and the "download" link from
hands off to the following URL, which is indeed down.

Some MS folks do monitor this list, and will hopefully see this.

Unfortunately, the *.ONE file is a proprietary binary file (like all Office
documents) and cannot be opened from another program. You might have some
luck viewing it in a text editor such as Notepad, but you would have to sift
through lots of extra gunk to get to any text that might be present.

When you rebuilt your computer, did you reformat the hard drive, or just
reinstall the OS? If the former, you might still have the downloaded file in
your IE cache or elsewhere on your hard drive. Use Windows Explorer's search
capability to find any programs or files larger than 70MB.

I'll see if we can make the appropriate people at MS aware that the website is having issues...


Thanks Erik -- It's nice to know that I'm not crazy and that the server is
down. Sadly, I did have to completely reformat my hard drive. However, I
did find the handwriten copy of my class notes (thankfully I had the presence
of mind to keep them when I was unable to print my typed copies). I hope
that microsoft is able to fix the problems soon, but my crisis of the moment
is passed. :)

Thanks again,


Kathy J

I just noticed on the Office Online OneNote site that there is now a
"hosted" trial of OneNote available on the Microsoft site. Here is a link to
some more information:

You might see if that would help you access your notes...

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Co-Author of Power OneNote: Unleashing the Power of OneNote from Holy Macro!
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I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived


Hey everyone -- the download site is backup and running! Yay. I'm so glad
to have my typed notes back. Thank you all so much for your help.



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