Help - I need to combine both a SUMIF and COUNTIF into one formula



I current have a function like this;


This is okay it counts the number of story07’s in that range

I also have a SUMIF;


H is the fee, so this adds all the fees for story07 together.

What I would like to do is count the number of story07 in the range that
fall into income bands

So something like …

=COUNTIF(G3:G1176,â€story07â€) AND SUMIF(H3:H1176,<5000)

But I don’t know how to have the two functions in one. Can anyone possibly


Hi - thaks for that - I am getting a value now but it is the sum of the fees
not the number of fees. Any ideas who I can do this?


It works! Thanks very much! I didn't realise that you could put all of
those extra dashes in.


I am new to the boards and learning a lot here. But, I am confused by the
"--" in the below sumproduct formula. What does it mean?


Thanks a million! It new and high level stuff for me, but I printed it out.
Thanks again

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