HELP! Images in reports



Hi all -- I'm so frustrated with this problem.... (using an Access 2000
database in Access 2003)

I have a table that contains product names, ID numbers, and a text field
that contains a URL to an image for the product. I created a report from a
query that shows the product name, the ID number, units sold (from a separate
table). I wanted the report to also display the appropriate product image
per record in the report. I searched the Knowledge base and used article

Essentially, I created an imagebox on the report, pointed it to a random
image, and then, in the reports OnFormat property, I added the following code:

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
Me.[imageFrame].Picture = Me.[imageLink]
End Sub

Now, for a couple of days, this worked perfectly. I ran the report numerous
times, tweaked the underlying query, etc and it continued to work. However,
starting last night, I started receiveing a "Type Mismatch" error when I ran
the report. In debug mode, it highlights the Me.[imageFrame].Picture =
Me.[imageLink] line. For the life of me, I can't figure out what is going on
with it.

Of course, I need to have this report in place today of all days!

Any ideas or suggestions to better accomplish this would be so greatly

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