Help in clearing table contents no "tools" in toolbar



I have a MS Office 2000 Access program that I would like to clear the data
out of. The problem is that I did not write the program and it has data
(approx 2500) records that I would like to at-least delete for Privacy Act
reasons. There is no reason to give this program to anyone with the SSNs of
all those people listed. Whoever wrote the program removed the "tools"
shortcut from the toolbar so you cannot access the tables directly. Also,
Alt+F4 ends the program, and there is no right click. Can anyone help me?
This is a great program for me to distrubute, I just don't want to allow
anyone to get anyone's SSN they are not authorized to see.

Thank you in advance

Ken Smith

Try holding down the shift key until the program finishes launching. That
may/should open the database structure to you. You could then write an udate
query to set the sensitive fileds to null. I would not delete any fields from
the table design because that will result in errors in the design of forms,
reports, etc. that might need those fields.

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