help in getting started with a project



The director of manufacturing is asking me to work on an app that will allow
production records to be kept. He wants to be able to choose an item and
see a chart? of the last 10 times this item was manufactured. The data
being charted would be the average production time.
I need some way to record up to 10 manufacturing sessions and when it's time
to enter the 11th, I need to erase what's in the 1st field and then move 2
through 10 down one and fill in the 10th again. Does anyone have any ideas?



Hi, Karen.

Sure, you will need a couple of tables, something like:

ProductID AutoNumber (Primary Key)
....any other product specific info

SessionID AutoNumber (Primary Key)
ProductID Integer (Foreign Key to Products)
SessionDate Date/Time
QtyMfg Integer or Single
Unit Text (or alternatively a numeric foreign key to a Units
MfgTime Integer or Single

Base a main form on Product with a subform showing the Sessions details.
Rather than basing it on Sessions itself, base it on a query, sorted in
descending order by SessionDate. Then click on View, Properties, and set
the TopValues property to ten, which will cause it to return only the ten
most recent.

Hope that helps.

Larry Daugherty

Look in Access Help for TOP. You have to apply it in SQL view.

You shouldn't need two tables nor should you have to delete old
records. Just as sure as you delete old records he'll want to track
something from the time data was first recorded :)


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