Help in Louisville Kentucky


Dawn M

I have been having a lot of problems getting my Publisher web site uploaded.
Is there anyone in the Louisville Kentucky area that I could meet with to
help me? I have talked with several web people and they all tell me to dump
Publisher and start over.

Don Schmidt

It seems the various versions of Publisher create website files differently.
I use Publisher 2000 and this is how I go about uploading to the server.

My website is one or more html files, i.e., index.html, page2.html etc.
plus image files i.e., img0.gif, img1.gif, img2.gif plus _blnk.gif. The
image files could be .jpg; it depends on how the image was converted within

With the above files created by Publisher when you do a "Save as a webpage"
which you now need to upload them to the server.

With my server, there is a public_html folder where all of the website files

You need a ftp (file transfer program) to copy your site files to the

Thanks to the folks here they got me on to the free Filezilla program which
is outstanding. (Thanks guys & gals)

As time goes by you may want to offer files to download, i.e., recipes,
poems, newsletter etc. It is not mandatory but I find creating a folder on
the site makes for a more manageable site. I call my folder "downloads". It
works for me.

Good luck,


I think you might be waiting a long time for a consultant from Kentucky,

Publisher is a DTP with limited web design capability and best used for
small, simple and static sites. Programs specifically designed for web
design such as FrontPage, Web Expression, NVU and others will give you more
capability than Publisher. However, using Publisher has little to nothing to
do with your uploading problems. If you can't figure out how to upload the
html files produced by Publisher, you won't be able to do it with the other

Problems with uploading are a common problem for people, but once you figure
it out, it is easy from that point on. Many times the problem is simple typo
problems, extra spaces, or trying to upload to the wrong place on your host.
Finding the solution to the problem usually just takes more attention to
detail, reading the instructions from your host and understanding the

So first of all review the instructions provided by your webhost, probably
in an email sent to you when you signed up, and from a FAQ page on-line.
Here are some other references on the uploading process:

David Bartosik's articles about uploading:
Unless you are using forms on your website you can use FTP uploading
protocol. If you are using forms HTTP uploading will be required. There is
also a troubleshooting article.

Prepare, publish, and maintain your Publisher Web site:

Three top questions about publishing a Web site using Publisher 2003:

Troubleshoot publishing Publisher Web sites:

And while you are on the MSFT site: Compress graphics file sizes to create
smaller Publisher Web pages:
read this section. otherwise you are likely to be back asking why your page
loads so slowly.

And finally, some people find using a third party FTP program easier.
Filezilla is a free and popular one:


John G

I would like to reinforce what David has said.
I had a few problems with the detail at first (and I still make
If you could tell us your real problem then we could get closer to
helping you.
Publisher is certainly an entry level Web page builder but it has little
or nothing to do with difficulties in uploading.
If uploading is a challenge then HTML coding will be a greater
challenge with one of the more sophisticated WEB page builders.

What version of Pub are you using?

What errors are you getting or where does the process go wrong?

Mike Koewler


My brother lives in Louisville, but he doesn't know squat about
designing, let alone uploading web pages.

I suspect you are getting an ID 10 T error from your web host? It is a
common problem, easily solved.



you should try NVU or frontpage
but i think your problem is with your ftp not the pages themselves

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