HELP! Installed Compatability Pack then Everything Went &$3hs#!@lk



I have been happily using OneNote 2007 Beta since July, and have been telling
anyone who will listen that it's the greatest single productivity enhancement
software I've seen in many years.

Yesterday, I got an error copying something in or out of Word 2002, and a
window popped up suggesting I download a "compatability pack." Well,
downloaded and installed the CP, then OneNote would not open. Uninstalled
the CP, OneNote still would not open. "Repaired" OneNote - 2 times - you
guess it, still would not open. Uninstalled OneNote, reboot, reinstall from
same flie I used the first time in July -- still not opening!!!! I have come
to really depend on this software for work. It is essential to me. Someone,
Please Help!!!

Patrick Schmid

You need to install B2TR, as you probably installed the B2TR version of
the compatibility pack. See my website for links to the download.

Patrick Schmid


I've spent hours trying your suggestions to no avail. Ultimately, I am
unable to install B2TR. The installation bombs out immediately (less than 1
second) after it begins with error message -- installation failed. Please
see. (Does not say what I should "please see").
I had previously only dowloaded OneNote 2007, not the whole suite. Worked
fine for 3 months, until the compatability patch blew things to pieces --
cannot load.

Among other things, I have tried:
1. Repairing OneNote 2007
2. Uninstalling and Reinstalling OneNote 2007
3. Uninstalling compatability pack.
4. System Restore.
5. DL entire suite, installed it -- and none of the programs work! e.g.
Starting Word - I get error message "not enough disk or memory space". But
there is 5gig available on the harddrive, and 512ram, and no other programs
Excel - same deal - but just "not enough memory"
OneNote - still does not start, then get error message about having to close.
Outlook - won't start at all.
6. I even installed OneNote 2003 then upgraded with Beta 2007- same result.

This has become an emergency for me. I desperately need to get OneNote open

Your assistance is greatly appreciated!

Patrick Schmid

So where are you at right now?
What is installed, what isn't? Which beta version of what is installed?
I can't really help you without knowing where you are at...

Patrick Schmid


I already went through the steps on your webpage and KB. THere are a lot of
log files. How can I tell which ones to send?

Patrick Schmid

B2tr.log should be file name

I already went through the steps on your webpage and KB. THere are a lot of
log files. How can I tell which ones to send?


I sent you the log file.

There's a new twist to the story which may help with the diagnosis. I
brought in my home laptop to work today. The home laptop has Office Beta2 and
OneNote Beta2 running (not upgraded to B2tr).
My innability to access OneNote at work has been extremely troubling and
time-consuming. I copied the OneNote notebook files from my office laptop,
to a harddrive, then to my personal laptop.

Opened OneNote on my personal laptop and opened the transferred notebook
files. Everything seemed normal, then about five minutes later OneNote
locked up. Had to exit the program with task manager. This was not a fluke,
it has happened each time I've run it. WOrks fine for a few minutes then
locks up. WTF?


Patrick Schmid

If I have to guess, your notes were updated to B2TR format and that's
why B2 is crashing. You'll prob. have to install B2TR on your home

Patrick Schmid


1. How could that have happened since B2TR never installed? Does the
compatability patch do that?

2. Is there a way to tell by file extension name or other indicator if file
has been updated to BT2R?

After my experience with my office laptop, I'm gunshy about installing BT2R

Patrick Schmid

I don't know...
Just give it a try on your home laptop. It should work fine normally.
There is no way to tell whether a file was upgraded or not.

Patrick Schmid

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