help!kill process excel.exe



i have created a excel workbook in vb,below are the codes:

private sub report ()
Dim sfilename As String
Dim spath As String
Dim dtecurrent As Date
Dim msexcel As Object
dtecurrent = Now
Set msexcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

With msexcel
..Visible = False
..Workbooks.Open "d:\DYNAMICS\PDB\RPT.xls", , False
End With

With msexcel.Application
..Cells(2, 1) = Time
..Cells(2, 2) = Date
End With
sfilename = Format(dtecurrent, "mmddyyyy HHMMSS") & ".xls"

spath = System.BasePath & "\htrdata\" & sfilename

msexcel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs spath 'Saves the file with the path

msexcel.Visible = True

Set msexcel = Nothing
end sub
in the program i call the function period,because the excel run in
background,so the problem is every time it will add a windows process,
how can i close the process in the function?



If you are running this function from within Excel, there is no need of
using CreateObject. Instead use

If you want to avoid this book getting focus on open put the followoing
line above the open method:




Assuming you are using VB5/6:
- It is easier to start using early binding (setting a reference) and
declaring your object as the correct type. eg.
Dim MSExcel As Excel.Application
Dim WB As Excel.Workbook
That way you get Intellisense to help you with syntx

- Here, do you mean that excel or your VB form is not visible ?
With msexcel
Visible = False
Workbooks.Open "d:\DYNAMICS\PDB\RPT.xls", , False
End With

- Here MSExcel IS the application, so just use MSExcel
With msexcel.Application

- Make sure you alway use fully qualified object:
Dim WB As Excel.Workbook
Set WB=Workbooks.Open ("d:\DYNAMICS\PDB\RPT.xls", , False)
With WB
With .Worksheets(1)
End with
.SaveAs Filename
End With

- It's not closing because you are not tell Excel to close. You need to add
Set WB=Nothing
Set MSExcel=nothing

As it seems that you are using VB.Net, I can't tell if the syntax is
correct, but the logic is.


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