Help killing Excel



This code works for ~20 sets of excel workbooks. ONE of the sets (a single
workbook) always crashes the workbook, with a request to contact MS with the
error report. The last crash gave me a DDE server crash error.

Is there any thing in the sheet that would cause this?

For i = 1 To rsMaster.RecordCount
'Set xl(i) = New Excel.Application 'Early binding
Set xl(i) = CreateObject("Excel.Application") 'Late Binding
With xl(i)
If admin Then 'hide from user?
.Visible = True
.Visible = False
End If
.Application.WindowState = xlMinimized
.Application.DisplayAlerts = False
.Workbooks.Open FileName:=(pathExcel & rsMaster!Source),
UpdateLinks:=0, ReadOnly:=False
End With
Next i

'...much work done

Set rsLbl = xl(i).Application.Run("getRs", rsLbl) 'call Excel Function

'...much work done

'now end
For Each x In xl()
x.ActiveWorkbook.Saved = True
Set x = Nothing

Bernie Deitrick


Perhaps your applicaiton would be more stable if you only used one instance
of Excel rather than an array of Excel applications. You can still do
everything you are doing, just without having multiple Excel instances in

MS Excel MVP



The sheets are supplied by the client's Engineering Dept. Each set does one
product line.

One of the first and largest sets of sheets (5) has never given a problem.

The lines that do give problems this way only have one or 2 open sheets.

The excel function I call is duplicated in each workbook, so I would have to
rewrite my code to qualify the function. Also the main app is done and has
been in the field for almost 3 years, so I really don't want to do a VB

Since an error in closing does not cause my calling VB program to die, and I
was finished with the Excel set anyway I have never put it high on my list
of things to fix.

BUT my app moved from one plant to three. It just gives my stuff an
unprofessional appearance.

It is also the type of problem that I will never be able to get out of my
mind. There just must be something in those Excel sheets that fail that can
be changed to make them work with the standard VB calling code.

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