Damm Microsoft. I am so sick of their software! Manual is no help.
Doesn't even have what I have for options on screen.
Anyway, here is the problem. I have tried this with a Brother mfc
420cn networked fax/printer/copier/scanner and a notebook with a modem
and xp and fax service enabled.
Used word to do a mail merge but when it goes through the faxing it
faxes all right but faxes all documents in the merge to each fax
In other words if I do a test mail merge to 3 fax machine numbers
addressed to 3 different people it will send each number the letters
for all 3 people.
I am using a coma deliminated text file and the fax software address
book are both the same and sorted in same order.
Man, how many years does it take for MS to make this easier?
Here is another gripe MS. Why is it when you want to saves as in MS
Word and the title to the documents isn't what you want and you have
"copied" to clipboard the text you want you have to Ctrl V rather than
It is the same damm thing in MS street and trips. MS programs are not
even compatible with themselves.
Doesn't even have what I have for options on screen.
Anyway, here is the problem. I have tried this with a Brother mfc
420cn networked fax/printer/copier/scanner and a notebook with a modem
and xp and fax service enabled.
Used word to do a mail merge but when it goes through the faxing it
faxes all right but faxes all documents in the merge to each fax
In other words if I do a test mail merge to 3 fax machine numbers
addressed to 3 different people it will send each number the letters
for all 3 people.
I am using a coma deliminated text file and the fax software address
book are both the same and sorted in same order.
Man, how many years does it take for MS to make this easier?
Here is another gripe MS. Why is it when you want to saves as in MS
Word and the title to the documents isn't what you want and you have
"copied" to clipboard the text you want you have to Ctrl V rather than
It is the same damm thing in MS street and trips. MS programs are not
even compatible with themselves.