Help me ! Basic VBA Query ......



I have two Sheets in my Excel Work book (Sheet 1 and Sheet 2).

Sheet 1 is set up thus;

Row 1 is a title row, with the following headings;

Cell A1 CC
Cell B1 Number

In rows 2 to 20 I have the following information;

Cells A2 to A20 the following numbers 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170,
Each number appears at least once (obviously all numbers are repeated
in order to occupy the rows 2 to 20)

Cells B2 to B20 various numbers (exact details not relevant).

What do I want ?

Well, I would like a macro that;

Opens with a Message Box, prompting you for a CC number.
Then, using this number, works its way down the rows from 2 to 20 and
selects those rows which match the CC number entered.
Once these rows have been selected it copies these rows and then pastes
them into Sheet 2 (starting at row 2, column A).

In summary, I have a database from which I would like to interrogate,
based on the CC number entered into the Message Box, the return value
being the entire row on Sheet 1.

Can anyone Help ?

Pete McCosh

This code will do what you require, assuming there are
only 20 rows on your first sheet and all the entries in
column A are numbers. If the number can change then amend
X = 2 to 20 to
X = 2 to application.worksheetfunction.counta(sheets

Sub PickARow()

Dim X As Integer
Dim y As Integer
Dim WhichCC As Integer
y = 2

WhichCC = InputBox("Which CC do you want to view data

For X = 2 To Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sheets
If Sheets(1).Cells(X, 1).Value = WhichCC Then
Rows(X).Copy Destination:=Sheets(2).Cells(y, 1)
y = y + 1
End If
Next X

End Sub

Cheers, Pete

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