Help me design table



I need some direction. I am new to Access but I am familiar with Excel and

I am a member of a team that has been asked to review, evaluate and report
on a number of submissions received concerning the public health system in
this city. Most of the submissions received are:
1) in the form of complaints from the public about bad treatment that they
have experienced from hospitals, doctors or nurses.
2) There are also submissions from staff (doctors, nurses etc) about
conditions at the workplace (staff shortage, equipment lacking etc)
3) Some do not contain complaints but are simply recommendations

There was no prescribed form for the submissions, so they are received in
text form from which we have to extract the necessary points to place into a

My challenge is the design of such a table, with a classification or coding
system so that analyses could be conducted.

Could Access be used and any suggestions as to how to approach this would be


Try this --
ControlNumber - Autonumber - write this number on the hard copy for filing
and retrival.
Date - DateTime - use date/time from hard copy or the date stamp when you
receive or enter it.
Category - Text - scan through and make a list of categories - built another
table with this list and explaination. Use second table as a lookup for data
Severity-Impact - Number - use a number scheme of 1 to 5 or zero to 10.
Source - Text - scan through and make a list of sources - built another
table with this list and explaination. Use second table as a lookup for data
Submission - Memo - full text of submission for future reference.


I thought of some more --
Evaluator - text - scan through and make a list of who will evaluate/review
the item - built another table with this list and explaination. Use second
table as a lookup for data entry.
EvalSus - date - suspense date for evaluator to respond.
DoneDate - date - date the evaluator finished.
Evaluation - memo - self explainatory.


Thanks Karl for your help. I will try to implement your suggestions. I may
contact you for further explanations



Hi again:
Here is a situation.
One of my Submission Report categories "Nature" has 3 variables: 1)
Complaint 2) Investigative Report and 3) Recommendation. Although most
submissions could be easily tagged with one of these 3 variables, some
however may bear 2 tags (example complaint as well as Recommendation) How
could I accommodate using 2 different tags for these submissions. Would I
be able to query submissions that could be classified as BOTH complaints and

Thank You


Two ways to do it --
1 - Make a Yes/No field for every caterogy.

2 - Build another table linked one-to-many on the ID.

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