I would like to create a small program for switch my WEP key each day.
(or each hour, minute, ... following my variable)
It is a personnal project, I think that it is a good idea, but I would
like more information about it because I don't know how I must to
process for that.
This program will be working on Windows, and I will be written in ...
(May be C, or C++, or Python, or Perl)
If it isn't possible with one of this languages, I will use an other,
but I prefer using a language that I know.
I don't know which language using, and I haven't got sources for
How do I do that ? Can I help me of Wireless Zero Config tool ? Or
watching registre key ?
Have you got any clues ?
If you are some link, I will be happy.
Thanks for yours answers
CU soon
I would like to create a small program for switch my WEP key each day.
(or each hour, minute, ... following my variable)
It is a personnal project, I think that it is a good idea, but I would
like more information about it because I don't know how I must to
process for that.
This program will be working on Windows, and I will be written in ...
(May be C, or C++, or Python, or Perl)
If it isn't possible with one of this languages, I will use an other,
but I prefer using a language that I know.
I don't know which language using, and I haven't got sources for
How do I do that ? Can I help me of Wireless Zero Config tool ? Or
watching registre key ?
Have you got any clues ?
If you are some link, I will be happy.
Thanks for yours answers
CU soon