Help me please..



I have spent a lot of time on this problem but cant solve it. I have created
an Excel sheet that covers everything from a tax invoice to a job sheet
There is maybe 10 sections on the form that change with each job - job no,
customer name, date, price, etc. My query is this. Originally I created it
in Excel although maybe I should have created it in Access? Or Word - and
just inserted some database fields? I do need to look back on records of
past jobs.

I also want to use a template with automatically incrementing numbers - with
the folder kept on one computer that all computers network to. (Would Access
be better for that?)

As you can tell I'm no expert - The system I work with now is kind of usable
but I think Im ready to improve it now. I did look into a course in Excel (I
use that a lot anyway) but then thought maybe this was not the program I need
to use for this project.

The other consideration is that I need for others to be able to use it -
these guys have no computer skills so it needs to be as easy as possible
(which is what my current system is lacking..)

I know its a big ask but any advice would be so much appreciated -

PY & Associates

Without looking at the current spreadsheet design, there is limited
assistance we can offer. However, unless the spreadsheet is really huge, we
believe it is THE choice application for average computer skilled persons.

If nothing confidential, send us the file for a look please.



At my previous work, we dropped most databases and replaced them with Excel
workbooks. They were easier to use, more transparent in the way they
functioned, and we could analyse and manipulate the data ourselves without
calling in programmers.
Simple databases were replaced by a single worksheet/workbook, with each row
being a record and the columns representing the fields. All members of the
team used the same file on the network.
The biggest database was replaced by a folder containing each record as a
separate workbook file. Each team member generated their own records, ie own
files, but they were all kept in one folder on the central server. Then we
had a ‘Summary/Analysis’ workbook which linked to each file/record and
grabbed information off them which it summarised in tables, and analysed and
charted in a variety of ways. We were a bit worried at first that the number
of links might cause problems for the network, but in practice it worked well
for the number of records (c500), fields (c50) and users (10) which we had.
The great thing was that once it was set up, we no longer needed any outside
Individual records were accessed by hyperlinks in the Summary/Analysis file.
We used Data Validation to reduce data entry errors, Conditional Formatting
to highlight unusual data, Combo Boxes to speed up data entry. Best of all,
the budget, scheduling and charting worksheets grabbed and manipulated all
the data automatically. We no longer had to keep looking up and re-keying
data. 8 out of 10 members of the team had no Excel experience, but found the
system straightforward to use.
And yes it is possible for the template to have automatically incrementing
numbers. A formula or a macro can find in the Summary/Analysis workbook what
was the last value used for a particular field (eg job number), increase it
by the required amount, drop it into the record, and send it back to the
Summary/Analysis sheet as the new latest value.

I think Excel is the right way to go.

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