help me



for example cost of energie
and cost of light bulb it self i need a total of al costs
and there are differnet cost to be condisdered

and i need the difernt light fixtures compared to each other in savings

for example cost of energie and cost of light bulb it self i need a
total of al costs and there are differnet cost to be condisdered like
light fixture kost inital instalation light fixture kost on light
fixture replacment light ficxture replacment cost it self TIME and
labout cost also labeour cost of inital light fixture instalation then
life time of fixture will make a system expensive ore chep maybe there
is light fixture with very low energie cost but also low life time and
hig replacment costs thsi then i want to see for certain period of
time we have values like
Cent/KWh light fixture replacment cost made from time needed by
labout plus fixture cost
and all these parameters for different kind of light fixtures in to
one graf to see the funktion

so we do have then a cost of ownership calculator
wih omparing diferent kind of owned materials by its energie kost and
maintanace costs
maintenance menas replacment in this case
but if there is a light fixture wich has regulry intervall of
maintenance then also this must be posible to give
so any moore questions to it ?
oh i forgot

this is the calculation parameter for the energie kost
the result you give in €

do you know what KWh is ?

take item cost 20 50 60 €
and the testing consumtion you take
20€ = 800W
50€ = 400W

60€ = 230W
life time you take for

20€ = 800h
50€ = 3500h
60€ = 10000h

and you give also names to the light fixtures and the replacment light

oh and the graf schould change acordingly to the "relevant usagetime
of instalation"

60€ = LED

50€ = Fluroscent tube
20€ = Halogene
make shure they are al editable and it is possible to add new light
fixtrue to compare

oh and the graf schould change acordingly to the "relevant usagetime
of instalation"

the calculation by then must stand onyl the display and layout we can
discuss then

JE McGimpsey

saigopal said:
for example cost of energie
and cost of light bulb it self i need a total of al costs
and there are differnet cost to be condisdered

and i need the difernt light fixtures compared to each other in savings

I've read this through three times now, and I still can't tell exactly
how your data is laid out, nor what the resulting graph should include.
Perhaps if you broke down the process a bit more, it would be easier to

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