Greg Franke
I am having complete mental block on this.
Using Access VBA I want to establish a connection to a remote SQL server
database and a Local Access table. What ADO connect strings should I use for
each? I am trying to write a program that will do the following....
if connection to remote db valid (or open) then
if (STORED_DATA) in local table then
read (STORED_DATA) from local table
upload (STORED_DATA) to remote SQL DB
upload (CURRENT_DATA) to remote DB
delete (STORED_DATA) from Local Table
Upload (CURRENT_DATA) to remote SQL DB
Save (CURRENT_DATA) in Local DB table.
Using Access VBA I want to establish a connection to a remote SQL server
database and a Local Access table. What ADO connect strings should I use for
each? I am trying to write a program that will do the following....
if connection to remote db valid (or open) then
if (STORED_DATA) in local table then
read (STORED_DATA) from local table
upload (STORED_DATA) to remote SQL DB
upload (CURRENT_DATA) to remote DB
delete (STORED_DATA) from Local Table
Upload (CURRENT_DATA) to remote SQL DB
Save (CURRENT_DATA) in Local DB table.