HELP!!!! -- (Method Range of _Worksheet failed) ERROR!



I get this under all version of Office I have tried. Currently I am
using 2003, but I got the same message with XP and 2000. Here is my

Sheets("ReportC").Range("A" & i) = "Appendix"

Basic huh. The error will occur randomly. This code worked great all
morning, then I got back from lunch and I get the error message. This
happens ALL the time. Anytime I am trying to write to a cell I may
get this error. Nothing seems to fix it, not even rebooting my pc.
Eventually it will clear itself up and I can run the code again
(exactly as it appears above).

Any ideas? Is there a better (correct) way to write values to cells.

Thanks in advance,



Sometimes if a shape or chart object is active, assigning
values to cells fails. Ensure to select worksheet cell
prior to the assignment, i.e. range("A1").select or


Thanks, but thats not the problem. In fact i get a "Select" method of
range failed (Error 1004) when I tried. Could the workbook or
worksheets be locked somehow? Te are not protected and the file is
not read only, but for some reason I cant write to any cells now.

Any help?

Haldun Alay


Did you check what value "i" has before executing that line. i variable could be empty or minus or bigger than max row count(65536).

Or some cells in Column A in the ReportC sheet could be protected...


Haldun Alay

To e-mail me, please remove AT and DOT from my e-mail address.

"Fusion" <[email protected]>, iletide sunu yazdi I get this under all version of Office I have tried. Currently I am
using 2003, but I got the same message with XP and 2000. Here is my

Sheets("ReportC").Range("A" & i) = "Appendix"

Basic huh. The error will occur randomly. This code worked great all
morning, then I got back from lunch and I get the error message. This
happens ALL the time. Anytime I am trying to write to a cell I may
get this error. Nothing seems to fix it, not even rebooting my pc.
Eventually it will clear itself up and I can run the code again
(exactly as it appears above).

Any ideas? Is there a better (correct) way to write values to cells.

Thanks in advance,



Yes I checked all of that. "i" has avalue of 1, ande the cells,
worksheet and workbook are un-protected.


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