HELP!! Missing: MS Windows Common tools-2 6.0 SP4



I am trying to deploy a database that gets the user name from windows. It
works on some computers and others it does not. From the above message I
received, I thought if I simply installed the service pack, it would work,
but the MS Windows Common tools-2 was not listed in the references after the

On one machine, I also got an error message: "Broken reference to
mscomct2.ocx version 2.0." Where can I get this file and where should I
install it on that machine?

Naturally, they wanted this done yesterday --

Any help ASAP will be greatly appreciated!

Douglas J. Steele

Well, you certainly don't need mscomct2.ocx in order to determin the user

See at "The Access Web" for all
that's necessary.

However, if you have a broken reference, it can impact other things. Are you
actually using that control anywhere? Try removing it from the References
collection (under Tools menu when you're in the VB Editor and no code is
running), then compiling the application (under the Debug menu)

If it compiles cleanly, odds are you don't need that reference.

If you do need it, you can go to and
search by file for mscomct2.ocx to find which products contain that control.


Hi Doug -

Thank you soooo much for responding. This is driving me crazy.

It seems to be a strange situation. I, like you, would have thought you
certainly don't need mscomct2.ocx in order to determine the user name. On
the machines where it wouldn't pick up the user name, there was no clue as to
why. On an older machine, it gave me the message about mscomct2.ocx.

I thought I would at least start with the mscomct2.ocx problem, to solve one
problem at a time. For some reason, that seems to have solved the problem of
the user name -- that is, on some machines. I still have to do eight more
machines tomorrow morning and don't know if that will do the trick on all of

I, quite frankly, don't get it! This is an Access 2000 application running
in Windows 2000. I know the one machine didn't have SP4, but after the
install of SP4, that didn't have the mscomct2.ocx file. I finally just went
to my developer machine, got the file, copied it to the other machine and
registered it in my application. That worked and the user name problem was
gone. On a couple of subsequent machines, all I needed to do was install the
ocx file and the name problem disappeared. Those machines already had SP4

If you have the time, please visit this thread tomorrow. I will either have
an SOS or an awfully strange success story!

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