Help! My speech recognition broke!




I used to have Office XP installed, but then I recently upgraded to Office
2003. Since then when I've tried to train the speech recognition it rarely
ever seems to recognize any words! When I trained with OfficeXP it seemed
to train just fine, recognizing most every word. Now I get nothing! It's
frustrating as hell! I end up clicking skip word all the time and I end up
getting nothing accomplished! Also, I don't think it imported my profile
from Office XP because it started off as though I had never trained before.

I've gone back and run the mic setup like 5 times over already. I've made
sure that the volume control on my mic was turned up as high as it would go
before running the wizard. Consistantly the Mic Wizard would lower the mic
volume automatically. Nothing seems to help!

Might someone have any suggestions on how to get this speech recognition
working the way it used to?

Any suggestions appreciated!



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