Help: need mac version of microsoft excel executable



I just updated my office from 10.0.0 to 10.1.5 (apply 10.1.2, 10.1.4
then 10.1.5), however,
I did a mistake that excel was still open while I ran the updates.
Despite the update installer
told me the updates were successfully, my excel won't be able to start
When I checked the version of my excel, it stayed at 10.0.0!
I wonder if anyone can send me the excel executable of version 10.1.x.

Thanks very much.


JE McGimpsey

I just updated my office from 10.0.0 to 10.1.5 (apply 10.1.2, 10.1.4
then 10.1.5), however,
I did a mistake that excel was still open while I ran the updates.
Despite the update installer
told me the updates were successfully, my excel won't be able to start
When I checked the version of my excel, it stayed at 10.0.0!
I wonder if anyone can send me the excel executable of version 10.1.x.

You can try rerunning the updaters with XL closed...

Corentin Cras-Méneur [MVP]

Shianmiin said:
I just updated my office from 10.0.0 to 10.1.5 (apply 10.1.2, 10.1.4
then 10.1.5), however,
I did a mistake that excel was still open while I ran the updates.
Despite the update installer
told me the updates were successfully, my excel won't be able to start
When I checked the version of my excel, it stayed at 10.0.0!
I wonder if anyone can send me the excel executable of version 10.1.x.

You should be able to re-apply the updates on top of all that and the
yupdaters *should* only update what needs to be updated/ Not all updates
actually update Excel so some of them might say that there is nothing to



I tried to rerun the updater, but I can only run 10.1.5 updater. For 10.1.2
and 10.1.4 updater, it popup an error message saying that I don't need to
run the updater.

I checked the updater log and found
1. only 10.1.2 will update excel executable
2. the only error during the updates is when updatig excel executable

Now excel stay at 10.0.0 and doesn't run at all
except for reinstall everything, the easiest way I can think of is to get
the excel executable of version 10.1.x

Any suggestions?


I tried to rerun the updater, but I can only run 10.1.5 updater. For 10.1.2
and 10.1.4 updater, it popup an error message saying that I don't need to
run the updater.

I checked the updater log and found
1. only 10.1.2 will update excel executable
2. the only error during the updates is when updatig excel executable

Now excel stay at 10.0.0 and doesn't run at all
except for reinstall everything, the easiest way I can think of is to get
the excel executable of version 10.1.x

Any suggestions?

JE McGimpsey

shianmiin said:
I tried to rerun the updater, but I can only run 10.1.5 updater. For 10.1.2
and 10.1.4 updater, it popup an error message saying that I don't need to
run the updater.

I checked the updater log and found
1. only 10.1.2 will update excel executable
2. the only error during the updates is when updatig excel executable

Now excel stay at 10.0.0 and doesn't run at all
except for reinstall everything, the easiest way I can think of is to get
the excel executable of version 10.1.x

I'm not sure why XL didn't update (you *did* repair your disk
permissions using the Disk Utility application before updating, right?),
but I would hope that nobody would violate their license by sending you
an executable. Especially, since there's no guarantee that XL was the
*only* thing that didn't get updated - there are lots of components that
need to be updated as well that may have been locked out while XL was

If you had repaired your permissions, then reinstalled Office (first
running the Remove Office application found in the Value Pack folder of
your Install Disk) and applied all the updates again, you'd have been
done by now. Once you have the updates, removal and reinstallation takes
me less than half an hour.

Corentin Cras-Méneur [MVP]

shianmiin said:
Now excel stay at 10.0.0 and doesn't run at all
except for reinstall everything, the easiest way I can think of is to get
the excel executable of version 10.1.x

Any suggestions?

You're not going to like this... but I would suggest reinstalling it all



Thanks for the reply.

Yes I repaire my disk permissions.
I thought a single executable won't violate the license. (it's not usable
by itself)
The original idea is to fix a mistake I made and from the log file
it looks to me only excel executable got an update error.
If it's not easy to get a help like that, I would just reinstall office
and reappy all the updates.

Thanks anyway.



Just want to do an experiment to fix the error I made.
If I can't go the excel executable(11.x Mb file), I would
just re-install office and reapply updates.

Thanks anyway.


Paul Berkowitz

Just want to do an experiment to fix the error I made.
If I can't go the excel executable(11.x Mb file), I would
just re-install office and reapply updates.
Don't forget to use "Remove Office" (in Additional Tools) first, to
uninstall cleanly, and empty the Trash. (This won't touch your data.)
_Then_ reinstall.

And don't forget we're not on Windows. The whole process, including
uninstalling, reinstalling, and applying all the updates again, is still
only going to take you 15-20 minutes.

Paul Berkowitz
MVP MacOffice
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