Help needed for writing a macro for a form template



I have to do an assignment for TAFE which involves writing a macro for an
On-Line Form Template.

The macro has to be for Saving the form as a document in a specific folder,
giving it a name, then closing the document without closing word. I am
having trouble doing this!!

Could anyone give me some help or point me in the right direction of where
to find help on this?

Would much appreciated. Thank you


I find it hard to believe that you're having trouble finding Help on this.
Word VBA has a bloody great Help file that explains it in detail, with

ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:=MyFolder & "\" & MyDocName
ActiveDocument.Close SaveChanges:=False

Howard Kaikow

See the list of Word VBA books at my URL below.
I'd suggest starting with Steve Roman's Writing Word Macros.


Thank you Howard and Malcolm for your comments ..... your help was much

Malcolm, we have to design a Client Feedback form, which we then email the
client, who fills it in and emails it back to us - they have called it "an
on-line form". Once we have finished making the template for the form, we
have to do this macro. As a very new user to writing macros etc. it all
gets very confusing! (for me anyway):

What we have to do is:
Open the template as a .doc then write a macro to File Save As in specific
folder, give the option for the user to name the file, save it, then close
down that document without closing down word.

Now I have found loads of web sites and help files but none which actually
make sense to me.


Malcolm Smith


You know what I would do. I wouldn't touch Word at all. This is because
you have to send the document to the user, the user then has to open the
document and fill it in electronically and then return it.

If they print it out and fill it in by hand then someone has to rekey the
data when it arrives.

Then you have to get the data from the form into, I assume, some form of
data storage at your end; perhaps a database.

I would miss out all the middle steps. I would simply write a web page on
your extranet to which you send the user the URL for. They fill in the
form on-line and then the job is done.

More and more people are going that way over to web based forms and I
wouldn't give the impression to your client that your firm is still in the
1990s with Word document forms.

To be honest, I have never liked document forms and I like them even less
now that we have the web.

- Malc


You're right Malcolm and I agree totally and at least I know what I'm doing
when it comes to writing web pages - lol, but as it is a TAFE assignment, I
have to do what they have set out for us.



Hi Malc

lol - sorry - TAFE is Technical and Further Learning - its a technical
college through which you can study a range of courses and get a recognised
certificate or diploma. I am doing a Cert IV in
Information Technology.


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