Help needed w/Crosstab Query and Col Values


Tony Ciconte

I am trying to get either the counts of or sum of data from a table
with gift amounts to display within certain ranges (e.g., $1-$99,
$100-$199, etc.) . The query is as follows:

TRANSFORM Sum(tblGifts.GiftAmt) AS [The Value]
SELECT tblGifts.MtypeID, Sum(tblGifts.GiftAmt) AS [Total Of GiftAmt]
FROM tblGifts
GROUP BY tblGifts.MtypeID
PIVOT Partition(Val([tblGifts].[GiftAmt]),0,1000,100) In ("$1 - $99",
"$100 - $199", "$200 - $299", "$300 - $399", "$400 - $ 499");

However, I get nothing displayed in any of the columns except the
SumOfGiftAmt column? I had hoped to have either a count or total in
each "$" column. However, no matter what I try, I cannot get it to

Any and all help is appreciated.


Tom Wickerath

Hi Tony,

Here is a similar example that works in the Northwind sample database. It
uses nested IIF statements to group ranges of data. You can likely use
similar logic in your crosstab query.

(CCur((1-[Discount])*([Order Details.UnitPrice]*[Quantity]))) AS Sales
SELECT [Firstname] & " " & [LastName] AS Employee, Sum([Sales]) AS Total
FROM (Employees
INNER JOIN Orders ON Employees.EmployeeID = Orders.EmployeeID)
INNER JOIN [Order Details] ON Orders.OrderID = [Order Details].OrderID
GROUP BY [Firstname] & " " & [LastName]
PIVOT IIf(Month([OrderDate]) Between 1 And 3,'Quarter 1',
(IIf(Month([OrderDate]) Between 4 And 6,'Quarter 2',
IIf(Month([OrderDate]) Between 7 And 9,'Quarter 3','Quarter 4'))));



I am trying to get either the counts of or sum of data from a table
with gift amounts to display within certain ranges (e.g., $1-$99,
$100-$199, etc.) . The query is as follows:

TRANSFORM Sum(tblGifts.GiftAmt) AS [The Value]
SELECT tblGifts.MtypeID, Sum(tblGifts.GiftAmt) AS [Total Of GiftAmt]
FROM tblGifts
GROUP BY tblGifts.MtypeID
PIVOT Partition(Val([tblGifts].[GiftAmt]),0,1000,100) In ("$1 - $99",
"$100 - $199", "$200 - $299", "$300 - $399", "$400 - $ 499");

However, I get nothing displayed in any of the columns except the
SumOfGiftAmt column? I had hoped to have either a count or total in
each "$" column. However, no matter what I try, I cannot get it to

Any and all help is appreciated.


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