Help needed with combined Dlookup/DatePart Syntax


Tony Ciconte

I am using Acc97 and trying to get the following instruction to work
in the OnOpen event of a report:

DLookup("[GiftAmt]", "tblTempRevenueByFY", DatePart("m", [GiftDate]) =

The table tblTempRevenueByFY exists, with data, as do the fields
"GiftAmt" and "GiftDate". However, when I try to preview the report, I
get 2465 error that says it cannot find the field "GiftDate". I have
tried every combination of quotes, double-quotes, parentheses, etc.
that I can think of and get mostly compile errors. I have also
searched the Google groups for insight without avail.

Any and all help is greatly appreciated


Van T. Dinh

Each of the argument of DLookUp must be a String. In you posted expression,
the 3rd argument is not a String.

Not sure what you are trying to do but my guess is:

DLookup("[GiftAmt]", "tblTempRevenueByFY",
"DatePart(""m"", [GiftDate]) = 1")

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