help needed



i have developed some functions in module using which i want to download CSV
files from a Stock exchange server. everything is fine but i am unable to
download CSV file, i get following msg "3011 The Microsoft Jet
database engine could not find the object
''. Make sure
the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name
correctly.[/QUOTE]" however when i check the values in debug windows
everything is fine even the file URL is constructed properly. for reference
the code is
Option Explicit

Function ImportBhavCopy(dtFrom As Date, dtTo As Date)
On Error GoTo errHandler
Dim dtDate As Date

For dtDate = dtFrom To dtTo Step -1
'Debug.Print GetURL(dtDate)
DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, "", "Quotes", GetURL(dtDate), True, ""

Debug.Print err.Number & " " & err.Description
Exit Function
End Function
Function GetURL(dtTemp As Date) As String
Dim strTemp As String
strTemp = ""
strTemp = strTemp & GetYear(dtTemp) & "/"
strTemp = strTemp & UCase(GetMonthName(dtTemp)) & "/cm"
strTemp = strTemp & GetDay(dtTemp)
strTemp = strTemp & UCase(GetMonthName(dtTemp))
strTemp = strTemp & GetYear(dtTemp) & "bhav.csv"
GetURL = strTemp
End Function

Function GetMonthName(dtTemp As Date) As String
GetMonthName = MonthName(Month(dtTemp), True)
End Function
Function GetDay(dtTemp As Date) As String
If Day(dtTemp) < 10 Then
GetDay = "0" & CStr(Day(dtTemp))
GetDay = CStr(Day(dtTemp))
End If
End Function

Function GetYear(dtTemp As Date) As String
GetYear = CStr(Year(dtTemp))
End Function


i will really appreciate if anyone can help me with this. i need this to be
completed as soon as possible. need to submit this for a project.

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