Help on create a chart for a set of data with mitiple primary keys


yunlai yang


I have two tables and I try to create a form with a chart using both of
them. However I had some problem to create the chart.

First table has two fileds: Location, and sample_code. Since both feilds
repeat and the combination is unique, I assign the both fields as Primary
keys. Each combination represents a unique sample. For example Location A&
Sample A; Location A & Sample B.

The second Table contains the two fields from the first table and another
two fields: Temperature and Density. The density of a unique sample was
measured at different temperature, hence the dataset. The second Table looks
like this

Location Sample Temperature Density
A A 10 2.1
A A 12 2.1
A A 15 2.2
A A 20 3
A B 10 3.2
A B 12 3.3
A B 18 3.5
B A 12 2.6
B A 16 2.8
B A 18 3

What I would like to show on the form are: location, sample and a chart show
the relation between density and temperature for each UNIQUE SAMPLE
(=combination of Location and Sample). I used the fields from first table to
show Location and Sample and fields of Temperature and Density from second
Table for the data series of the chart. I used both Location and Sample, or
only one of the two fields to link the document and chart. However when I
run the Form, the chart always show all the curves (2 of them) either with
same location, or with same sample code. This is not what I want.

Can anybody please tell me how to show one curve only for one combination on
the chart?

Thank you very much in advance!


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