Help on File dialong for opening and linking back-end databases...



Hi all:
I have this project need to build an access application to send mass mailing
lists for Kaisers Permente health survey purpose.
Please help me if you can with my questions list below :
1. I created 7 tables:
- tbl_Pat_Info : Pat_ID(autonumber - PK), Company, Title, F_Name,
M_I_Name, L_Name, Address_1, Address_2, City, State, Zip_Code, Email, Phone,
- tbl_City : City_Name (PK) AND tbl_Zip: Zip_Code (PK) ---> This is a
reference table comtaining all cities in the database. <--- should I need
other columns for this table? and how do I can insert in this table a list of
cities that already in tbl_Pat_Info and when enter a new record with new city?
- tbl_State: State_Code (PK), State_Name

- tbl_Category: Cat_Name (PK), Cat_Code (A reference table of catagories).
- tbl_SubCategory : SubCat_Name (PK), Sub_Code, Cat_Code (A reference
table of subcatagories )
My problems when build the subform for data entry form or edit form or
search form are: - 1 address can belong to 2-3 categories, (1 category have
3-4 subcategories) but only need 1 subcategory. Otherword: categoris are
checkboxes, subcategory is radio button (option button), if category checkbox
is checked, then subcategories (visible, enable ???) to select one. Some
address are not belong to any category. - If address belong to category then
it has subcategory, otherwise no subcategory. Assuming My edit, data entry
and search forms are working with out those categories, subcategories. How
do I make the subform for editing category/subcategory data? How do I design
and program to add that subform in for search, data entry or edit record?
- tbl_X_Cat_Sub: A cross reference table linking a record in tbl_Info to
one or more category/subcategory.

2. My project also required this " design 2 separate MS access MDB files:
one db for the data (back-end database.) and another db for the user
interface (front-end). The back-end databases (more then one, can be 80+)
will be stored in network folders and access to those folders will be
controlled by operating system permissions, called H drive. The front-end
database should be in a folder shared by everyone called L drive" (You may
question why there're so many back-end databases: b/c of the REQUIREMENTS:
they want separate mailing lists for each survey project - some survey
project have categories, some have categories AND subcategories, some are not
have category. - each person can have 5-7 survey projects, their department
have 9 persons (it means 9 folders under H drive)- ).
- Users are required to overly select a database to open each time they
run the front-end tabase. How do I do it? should I call class clsFileDialog
(I have clsFileDialog) in Switchboard (my program have a switchboard) if yes,
how do I call? or should I make a form and put it as a start-up form?
Also, once a back-end db is selected, all links to tables will be refreshed
to point at the selected db. And when exiting the application, table link
should be deleted.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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