HELP on (i hope) a simple ACCESS report



I have an ACCESS data base which records the software
engineering classes taught by our software engineers -
recording the number of hours in each type of class
taught. I add engineers as they are hired (vertical
column) and classes as they are added and taught
(horizontal row)

My ACCESS data base looks as follows

Name Hazards Development Validation
(# hrs) (# hrs) (# hrs)

Joe 3 0 1
John 2 3 0
Jim 2 2 2

I would like to generate a report for an end of year
summary that lists each engineer and the number of hours
of each type of class taught.

I also cannot figure out how to generate a report that
looks like the following:


Hazards 3

Validation 1



Hazards 2

Software Developmnet 3



Hazards 2

Software Development 2

Validation 2

Thanks for any help you can provide,

John Vinson

I have an ACCESS data base which records the software
engineering classes taught by our software engineers -
recording the number of hours in each type of class
taught. I add engineers as they are hired (vertical
column) and classes as they are added and taught
(horizontal row)

My ACCESS data base looks as follows

Name Hazards Development Validation
(# hrs) (# hrs) (# hrs)

Joe 3 0 1
John 2 3 0
Jim 2 2 2

This is an incorrectly structured table. You're storing data *in
fieldnames*. If you added five classes, you'ld need to add five fields
to your table, alter all your queries and forms and reports... a real

You have a many to many relationship between engineers and classes.
The proper table structure for this involves THREE tables:


ClassName (e.g. "Hazards", "Development", "Validation", ...)

PersonID < link to People
ClassID <link to Classes
I would like to generate a report for an end of year
summary that lists each engineer and the number of hours
of each type of class taught.

Trivial with the properly normalized structure - just a Totals query
grouping by person and class.

To get your data out of the current "spreadsheet" into a normalized
table as suggested, you'll need a "Normalizing Union Query". You
should already have a People table of some sort (if not, just use a
MakeTable query selecting each person's bio information). Manually
create your classes table (three rows I'd guess). Then create a Query

SELECT People.PersonID, (1) AS ClassID, [Hazards] AS [HoursTaken]
FROM yourtable INNER JOIN People ON yourtable.[Name] =
SELECT People.PersonID, (2) AS ClassID, [Development] AS [HoursTaken]
FROM yourtable INNER JOIN People ON yourtable.[Name] =
SELECT People.PersonID, (3) AS ClassID, [Validation] AS [HoursTaken]
FROM yourtable INNER JOIN People ON yourtable.[Name] =

(using the ID's you put into the Classes table in place of 1, 2, 3).

Base an Append query on this Union query and you'll find that your
table structure will be much more adaptable and flexible!

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