Veli Izzet
Hi all,
I have an app where daily monetary transactions are inserted in an
access database. The interactions may be in TL, usd or euro. There is a
field where the money that is used is stored. In addition to that, the
currency parities for the transaction day is stored too.
Now, I want to have a report on any currency I choose on the fly. For
reporting I use a button with the code:
Private Sub Command6_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command6_Click
Dim strReport As String 'Name of report to open.
Dim strField As String 'Name of your date field.
Dim strWhere As String 'Where condition for OpenReport.
Const conDateFormat = "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#"
strReport = "Hareketler-Tek"
strField = "HareketTarihi"
If IsNull(Me.Baslangic) Then
If Not IsNull(Me.Bitis) Then 'End date, but no start.
strWhere = strField & " < " & Format(Me.Bitis, conDateFormat)
End If
If IsNull(Me.Bitis) Then 'Start date, but no End.
strWhere = strField & " > " & Format(Me.Baslangic,
Else 'Both start and end dates.
strWhere = strField & " Between " & Format(Me.Baslangic,
conDateFormat) _
& " And " & Format(Me.Bitis, conDateFormat)
End If
End If
To be able to have the report in the currency I like I created an option
group with three option buttons, but I cannot pass the info to the report.
I would appreciate any help..
Thanks for answers..
I have an app where daily monetary transactions are inserted in an
access database. The interactions may be in TL, usd or euro. There is a
field where the money that is used is stored. In addition to that, the
currency parities for the transaction day is stored too.
Now, I want to have a report on any currency I choose on the fly. For
reporting I use a button with the code:
Private Sub Command6_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command6_Click
Dim strReport As String 'Name of report to open.
Dim strField As String 'Name of your date field.
Dim strWhere As String 'Where condition for OpenReport.
Const conDateFormat = "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#"
strReport = "Hareketler-Tek"
strField = "HareketTarihi"
If IsNull(Me.Baslangic) Then
If Not IsNull(Me.Bitis) Then 'End date, but no start.
strWhere = strField & " < " & Format(Me.Bitis, conDateFormat)
End If
If IsNull(Me.Bitis) Then 'Start date, but no End.
strWhere = strField & " > " & Format(Me.Baslangic,
Else 'Both start and end dates.
strWhere = strField & " Between " & Format(Me.Baslangic,
conDateFormat) _
& " And " & Format(Me.Bitis, conDateFormat)
End If
End If
To be able to have the report in the currency I like I created an option
group with three option buttons, but I cannot pass the info to the report.
I would appreciate any help..
Thanks for answers..