help on spilting fields?


Kelly Lim

Dear anyone...
When i import Excel file to Access.....
Example: "Name" in a column in the Excel....then it appears one column
too in
but in my access....i need to spilt them into "First Name, Middle
Name, and Last Name" its a "Reserve word" for "Name" which is not
recommended to use.........
how can i spilt them in Access when i import from Excel since there are
hundreds of data in the file/database....

Need help asap since im working on my database now...
Best to help me step by step....
Thanks a whole loads......

Douglas J. Steele

The typical advice is to use the Split function (or a combination of the
Left, Mid, Right and InStr functions) to break the name field into its
various components, but this isn't as easy as it may sound. How are you
going to split Ludwig von Beethoven? von isn't his middle name: it's part of
his last name. What about Elly May Clampett? Her first name is Elly May, not
just Elly with May as her middle name.

As well, from your multiple other posts on this topic, it sounds as though
you're not that proficient with code.

You might be best off looking into a 3rd party product, such as

Kelly Lim

Yes douglas
....u r not proficient in im trying 2 learn more
bout it in Ms access and here.....i didnt wanted to spilt them into too many
fields......mayb "First Name" and "Last Name" is enough....but i was being
advice that using "First, Middle and Last" would be the best advice....

How bout for your advice? Do i really have to spilt into these 3 fields?

Douglas J. Steele

What about the questions I asked? With two fields, how would you know to
split Ludwig von Beethoven in to First Name Ludwig and Last Name von
Beethoven? How would you know to split Elly May Clampett into First Name
Elly May and Last Name Clampett? For that matter, what are you going to do
with Cher? Would you store that as her first name or her last name?

If you can guarantee that there's only going to be one space in the name,
it's easy. Left([MyField], InStr([MyField], " ") - 1) is what's in front of
the space, and Mid([MyField], InStr([MyField], " ") + 1) is what's after.
Other than that, you're in for a lot of work.

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