Eddy Stan
please help me
=SUMPRODUCT(--('PAID 1003'!$F$4:$F$85='CHENNAI DUES'!$B44),('PAID
1003'!$K$4:$K$85)*('PAID 1003'!$L$4:$L$85)*('PAID 1003'!$M$4:$M$85))
this the formula and i get value error
Idea is that if b44 is in range f4:f85, then i need sum of values in ranges
k4:k85. L4:L85 and M4:M85
similarly i want sum in same size but column y & aa also with KLM
i tried simply and by array formula, din work out
Thank you in advance
please help me
=SUMPRODUCT(--('PAID 1003'!$F$4:$F$85='CHENNAI DUES'!$B44),('PAID
1003'!$K$4:$K$85)*('PAID 1003'!$L$4:$L$85)*('PAID 1003'!$M$4:$M$85))
this the formula and i get value error
Idea is that if b44 is in range f4:f85, then i need sum of values in ranges
k4:k85. L4:L85 and M4:M85
similarly i want sum in same size but column y & aa also with KLM
i tried simply and by array formula, din work out
Thank you in advance