Help! OneNote won't install--get error message--invalid win32 application!!!



Hi--after i downloaded my onenote trial and tried to install (open) it, i did not get the installation wizard. instead i got an error message saying "Onenote.exe is not a valid win32 application." the download installed into My Documents in C:\Documents and settings. i moved it to C:\Program Files, to no avail. --don't know if that matters. also, it did not go into its own program folder, if that maters, just the slightly rectangular program icon next to the name. when i try "run as..." it gives me choice of virus-scanning, which it says may make program run incoorectly or program administrator/user(me) with password necessary--i am the program administrator but have never password-locked anything on my windows XP system, since i am the only person using it. can someone please help me????? thanks.

Chris H.

Look in Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Services and make sure
Cryptographic Services is enabled and running.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -


chris h--checked control panel and crytographic services is started---all my services say "started" not "running." also tried creating administrator password, and that did not help, so that is non-issue. anything else?

Chris H.

Do you happen to be running anything Norton (or Symantec) like an anti-virus
program? If so, completely disable or uninstall it before attempting the
installation. It "should not" be a program, but just a means to check it
isn't intercepting the installation.

You are in an Administrative-enabled (not THE Administrator) account,
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -


hi again--i have mcafee, and i disabled it, but that doesn't help. i can be the administrator or a plain ole user on xp, since i am only one on this computer. but i've been doing this as plain ole user. i created a password and tried doing it as administrator, but that didn't help either

i am not the first person this has happened to--someone else wrote about it here on 5/5, but with no resolution

any more ideas?? thanks.



Have your tried re-downloading the file to see if for
*whatever* reason when it was downloaded there was an
error created by it's travels though the net. When you do
log in and the administrator and try to install it again.
Good Luck. :)
-----Original Message-----
hi again--i have mcafee, and i disabled it, but that
doesn't help. i can be the administrator or a plain ole
user on xp, since i am only one on this computer. but i've
been doing this as plain ole user. i created a password
and tried doing it as administrator, but that didn't help
i am not the first person this has happened to--someone
else wrote about it here on 5/5, but with no resolution.

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