Help ! Only hyperlink shown when copy picture from web


Kwai Wing

I am using Word 2003, but when I select a picture from web page and
right click and copy it , and paster in Word, only a hyperlink of the
picture shown, although I know I can save it into Jpeg and insert it
inside the document , it is quite troublesome. I don't know what's
wrong with it and tried so many options in the Tools>Options , but can
do nothing.

Please help !!! Thank you !!!!

Kwai Wing

Oh.. i find the answer......

this is the includepicturelink and once i press Alt+F9 i saw back the


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Note, however, that if you want the picture embedded in your document (so
that you are not dependent on Internet access to display and print it),
select the picture and press Ctrl+Shift+F9 to unlink it.

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