This is going to sound silly but I need some help on organising my
work emails into folders. At home I don't have the same problem
because (a) the volume is far less and (b) the subjects are more
straight forward, so it is clear which folder messages fit into.
So how do you decide what to put where when it is not clear?! My job
did not exist before I started it so I did not inherit someone else's
email structure. I started off setting up folders for the different
projects that I manage, but this got confusing when a message covered
more than one project. So I tried setting up folders that cover
individual people or countries. But sometimes messages still cross
over subjects, people or countries.
I have been using Outlook for quite a long time but I can't find an
efficient way of filing emails after I have actioned them. I need
help drawing up a set of rules about where to file different messages
when there is an overlap of some kind.
What kind of rules/hierarchy do others use? What works for you?
Kind regards,
work emails into folders. At home I don't have the same problem
because (a) the volume is far less and (b) the subjects are more
straight forward, so it is clear which folder messages fit into.
So how do you decide what to put where when it is not clear?! My job
did not exist before I started it so I did not inherit someone else's
email structure. I started off setting up folders for the different
projects that I manage, but this got confusing when a message covered
more than one project. So I tried setting up folders that cover
individual people or countries. But sometimes messages still cross
over subjects, people or countries.
I have been using Outlook for quite a long time but I can't find an
efficient way of filing emails after I have actioned them. I need
help drawing up a set of rules about where to file different messages
when there is an overlap of some kind.
What kind of rules/hierarchy do others use? What works for you?
Kind regards,