HELP Outlook e-mail accounts


Tony Boyle

Help please, I have tried transferring my four e-mail accounts from outlook
express and manually configuring them in outlook. They all appear under
tools e-mail accounts, the test button worked so all the information is

However there is no send receive button on the top tool bar, if I create a
new e-mail there is no send button and the drop down accounts box is empty
so I cant send.

Any ideas what I am doing wrong here?



Hi Tony, maybe this little suggestion may help you to add the "send/receive
button to toolbar. Go to the little arrow at the end of the toolbar...the
toolbar going horrizontal across the screen. Click on it, it will say "add or
remove buttons" and a box opens up with all the toolbar icons. Look to see if
the send/receive icon is checked in the box.

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