Help Payroll calculation problem



I am working on payroll calculation

The package is divided always divided by 31 days
Example 10,000:31=322.6
and the total hours per day is 322.6/9=35.84 $ per hour

I have creating this program that give you every month total hours and
total working days
Nb Of Required Working Days / Month:=Program!B38=18
Nb Of Required Working hours / Month=Program!G38=147

Payroll : K18= Total Package =10,000 $
T 18= Required working days for january = 18
U 18= Nb of working days for january = 0

V18=Required working hours=147 hours
W18= Total Working hours= 0

Z=Total Deduction Amount = ????????? If i used (Total Hours Per Day)
35.84* (Number of required working hours)147=5269.133333

What can i do to have the total amount of 10,000 to be deducted if the
employee missed the whole working days


David Biddulph

If you are asking how to convert your $5268.817 (or with your rounding
errors, see below, $5269.133) to $10000, you'll need to multiply by 31/18,
as you allowed for 31 days, not 18, in calculating the $35.84.
You'd then need to multiply by 162/147, as the $35.84 used 9 hours a day,
and 9*18 is 162, not 147.
Note also that you seem to have rounded the $35.84 to 2 decimals, instead of
the full result of 10000/(31*9), so if you use the rounded value you
wouldn't get back to exactly 10000.
In its simplest case the deduction would be either =K18*(T18-U18)/T18 or

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