Help Please - how to link books and auto populate with new data



rivate Sub Workbook_Open()
Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Select
Selection.Value = Selection.Offset(-1, 0).Value + 1
End Sub

I have this code thanks to DS, and I have a good number generator.

I do have a new need, please help if you can:

Have several workbooks that are titled by year (for autos)
in each are several tabs(sheets) that equal the unique auto number.
On each of the sheets are discrepancies found for each auto. Each
descrepancy has a unique number(generated by the above code).
It would be great if the Workbooks and sheets are linked in a way that when
a workbook is opened and a particular sheet(Auto) selected in order for the
oerator to manually enter a new descrepancy. If they only had to click the
next empty cell in the "descrep no" column and that cell then called up the
number generator workbook, picked up the new number and then populated it to
the cell they clicked.

In this way the number generator workbook could just stay in the background.

THANKS to all you who help out!

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